Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Toradora - 02, Chocolate Underground - 01, Rie Fu - Romantic

Toradora - 02

The second episode of Toradora has been released on the 25th of december. Enjoy Taiga!

Toradora - 02 [XviD]
Toradora - 02 [h264]

Chocolate Underground - 01v2

We made some mistakes, so we decided to a second version of the release! (There will be a movie of Chocolate Underground, with some additional footage in 2009, by the way!)

Chocolate Underground - 01v2 [XviD]

Rie Fu - Romantic

Aitai anata no kangaeru~... An experiment, a detour, a fun project, it's all of it. One of our translators loves Rie Fu, and so did other staff: the result is a music video of her latest single, "Romantic"! It's a good one, so try it. :)

Rie Fu - Romantic [XviD]
Rie Fu - Romantic [h264]

And finally, I'd like to wish all of you a happy 2009! 2008 was a great year with great people on the staff, and great people downloading the releases. I hope you look as foward to the future as we do!

See ya, Ryunichi~

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Amatsuki - 09

One of our favorite shows, one of the hardest to work on: that's Amatsuki alright. We have released the ninth episode of this mysterious anime. It's on bots, torrents and... soon on your computer!

Amatsuki - 09 [XviD]
Amatsuki - 09 [h264]

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Toradora 01

Hey people! Yes, you! We have released Toradora 01, XviD & h264. I know the series is already at the 10th episode and some groups have already released it, but I can safely assure you our version is the best. This may seem arrogant, but it has been worked on very hard for 2 months. It has been checked for quality for over 10 times by multiple people and lots of hours have been invested. Our encoder has eternal gratitude for encoding it so often!

If you watched another Toradora, check out ours and realise this is the one to keep, the one to burn on DVD, the one to show your friends...

Also, a special thanks should go to Dark-Rebirth, with whom we started out this project as a joint! They've been a help from the start, but we decided to co-operate on another project, on another time.

The torrents are listed below, but remember that we also have our speedy IRC bots! Enjoy it!

Toradora - 01 [XviD]
Toradora - 01 [h264]

More to come!