Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Toradora - 02, Chocolate Underground - 01, Rie Fu - Romantic

Toradora - 02

The second episode of Toradora has been released on the 25th of december. Enjoy Taiga!

Toradora - 02 [XviD]
Toradora - 02 [h264]

Chocolate Underground - 01v2

We made some mistakes, so we decided to a second version of the release! (There will be a movie of Chocolate Underground, with some additional footage in 2009, by the way!)

Chocolate Underground - 01v2 [XviD]

Rie Fu - Romantic

Aitai anata no kangaeru~... An experiment, a detour, a fun project, it's all of it. One of our translators loves Rie Fu, and so did other staff: the result is a music video of her latest single, "Romantic"! It's a good one, so try it. :)

Rie Fu - Romantic [XviD]
Rie Fu - Romantic [h264]

And finally, I'd like to wish all of you a happy 2009! 2008 was a great year with great people on the staff, and great people downloading the releases. I hope you look as foward to the future as we do!

See ya, Ryunichi~